Thursday, April 7, 2011

My daily routine...

Here is my daily routine right now on weekdays...

06:30 Wake up then go to bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath

06:45 Choose outfits for the day, usually takes half an hour and makes my mom angry

07:10 Styling my hair, sometimes I spray a little perfume on me

07:20 Grab my bag, check my belongings, put on shoes, then get into the car (not me driving, it's my mom driving)

07:20 I have my breakfast on the way to my office, in the car of course... :)

07:45 Arrive at office, sit on my desk then put some make up (since there's no time to put make up before at home)

08:00 Start doing my job

12:00 Lunch time! My office provides lunch for the employees every day, but sometimes some friends ask me to lunch outside the office

12:45 Coffee time with some friends at a small coffee shop near my office, it's time to gossip!

13:30 Back to the office and continue my work

18:00 Time to go home, yeay! Usually it's my boyfriend who picks me up from the office

18:30 Back home and have some dinner

19:00 Wash my face then take a bath

19:10 Just chat about everything with my boyfriend, laugh together and cry together

21:00 My boyfriend goes home and I just play the internet or do some works or blogging like this until I feel sleepy

23:00 Bed time... zzzzz...

Yup, this happens almost everyday. Kinda boring? Sometimes I feel that too and boring is a sign for me to take a break. But, I am lucky to have my boyfriend who makes my life become more alive... I know he's the one...

And here is my look at the office today:

Next, I will share my weekend routine to you, guys...

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